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Felon Bernard Kerik: The only man in America who is overjoyed with the Orlando Pulse terrorist attack

They say tragedy brings out the true nature of each of us.

Felon on Probation is an emotional terrorist. The entire time felon on probation, Bernie Kerik, is giddy in the masquerading posing as a trusted hero cop, giving "kudos" to the Orlando police, posting pics of armored vehicles and pretending he knows anything about everything terrorism, we are reminded that the killer Omar Mateen posed as a trusted security guard and, as such, was presumed to be a good candidate to buy an assault rifle. Felon on probation was once presumed to be a trusted, learned NYPD Police Commissioner.

Both Orlando terrorist murder Omar Mateen and felon on probation Bernard Kerik have fooled us. Both are masqueraders.
Felon on probation Bernard Kerik comes alive during a terrorist event. His social media get the attention this criminal craves. For him, a terrorist attack presents an opportunity to remind people of what we thought he should have been. Its sad, really. It reminds some of us of what could have been but we now know could never have been....

Source TMZ New York Post "Felon Bernard Kerik: The only man in America who is overjoyed with the Orlando Pulse terrorist attack" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
Yes, buried back in all those tweets is a single tweet of the "thoughts and prayers" going out to the victims.
The rest of his tweets of this day, and there are many more than usual, are for felon Bernard Kerik to serve himself. This awful day of the Orlando Pulse Nightclub Terrorist attacks belong to the victims, the deceased, the loved ones and the survivors. There will be plenty of time for hero worship and grabbing the spotlight, Bern....Let one day NOT be about YOU and your desperate criminal urges!

We should look carefully at a emotional terrorist like felon on probation Bernard Kerik with the same close examination our government should have had with Omar Mateen. He hasn't paid his full debt to society as his criminal restitution and federal tax lien go unpaid. Bernard Kerik spends most of his days tormenting his former friends with law suits and court dates.

Bernard Kerik is one person in public and quite the opposite in his private life. It is as it always has been: See something, say something....

Felon on Federal Supervised Release Bernard Kerik shows his enemies he knows how to secrete an AR-15

If Felon Bernard Kerik considers you an enemy, perhaps you should take cover. Felon Bernard Kerik, who is allegedly on Federal Supervised Release and may not own, possess, or be near weapons, posts on his Facebook a video showing how to secrete an AR-15!

In the facebook post, Felon Kerik writes, "Over the past several days a number of people have asked me how the Orlando shooter could go undetected through the door of the club, or get inside. For those that don't believe it, watch this and watch closely."
Source: Bernard Kerik Facebook "Felon on Federal Supervised Release Bernard Kerik shows his enemies he can secrete an AR-15" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
Well, it appears, perhaps this felon is researching ways of concealing automatic weapons! This would not be good news if you are an enemy of felon Bernard Kerik.

Felon Kerik has made many enemies out of old friends and they are making Kerik accountable. There is Joe Tacopina, ex-friend who is suing Felon Kerik is a $5Million defamation suit schedule for a jury trial early fall ((1:2014-cv-00749, S.D.N.Y.). Then there's Felon Kerik buddy, Frank DiTommaso who recently allegedly pummeled Kerik informant and ex-friend, Larry Ray into brain damage (New York City Criminal Court Case #2016NY023787 Part F). Finally, there is ex-friend and co-author, Dara D'Addio, who is suing Felon Kerik, alleging he stole her writing in his most recent book "From Jailer to Jailed" (1:2015-cv-05497, S.D.N.Y.).

Exactly who is minding this Felon on Probation? Our calls to the US Department of Probation were not answered. Hopefully they were busy tracking down Felon Bernard Kerik and searching him for secreted AR-15's and other weapons.

Joe Tacopina v Bernard Kerik Defamation Suit; What is felon on probation Bernard Kerik hiding?

When felon on "supervised release" Bernard Kerik attempted to enact revenge on his ex-friend and former attorney, Joe Tacopina, Kerik, through former co-defendants, the New York Daily News, published some unsubstantiated vicious accusations. “outrageous” lies and a "hit piece" against Tacopina involving drugs, infidelity and other ugly epithets. Joe Tacopina was later quoted as saying, felon Kerik's defamation suit was"a conspiracy between two unethical newspaper reporters ... and a convicted felon and liar."

Well, Tacopina fired back with his own $5milliondefamation suit against felon Kerik whose own counterclaims and bar complaint against Tacopina were dismissed by the court!

Now Tacopina finally gets his day in court in the form of a jury trial scheduled for early fall (Tacopina v Kerik 1:2014-cv-00749, S.D.N.Y.). In anticipation of this trial, felon Kerik and Tacopina have agreed to a "confidentiality stipulation".
Source Southern District of New York Tacopina v Kerik "Joe Tacopina v Bernard Kerik Defamation Suit; What is felon on probation Bernard Kerik hiding?" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
It appears felon Kerik can dish it out but apparently can't take it. We can only imagine the juicy deets Tacopina has on felon Kerik. We may never know because of this confidentiality stipulation. Felon Kerik's "supervised federal release" is reportedly due for release October, 2016. Will anything divulged in this trial jeopardize his liberty and send him back to prison? Still dirty after all these years?

Hey Megyn Kelly, Felon Bernard Kerik is a conman, corrupt cop and criminal!

Hey Megyn Kelly, Felon Bernard Kerik is a conman, corrupt cop and criminal! So why do you participate in his masquerade as a trusted terrorism expert?

Megyn Kelly, The Kelly File and Fox News recruited felon on supervised release Bernard Kerik to sit on a panel in "Kelly File" special "Terror in America".

Credit: Fox News/New York Post "Hey Megyn Kelly, Felon Bernard Kerik is a conman, corrupt cop and criminal!" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
We all must wonder what a felon on supervised release could add to this conversation? Does eight-time convicted felon, corrupt cop and criminal, Bernard Kerik have intelligence briefings with the NYPD or the US government to whom he reportedly owes over $500,000 in criminal restitution and IRS Tax Liens? We think not!

Felon Bernard Kerik rescued only himself on 9/11 and reportedly made over $12 million in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 pretending to be a hero. It appears he hasn't paid his full debt to society. So where did all that money go? That would make a great "Kelly File Special", Meggy!

Once again, just as in that fake, phony, fraud "feud" between knee-pad Megyn Kelly and bigot Donald Trump, it's apparently all a set-up for money and ratings. Journalism has been driven in the ditch. They all play. They all win. Integrity be damned.

Felon Fact Check: Bernard Kerik on Elie Wiesel: Friend or Fib?

In a desperate attempt for the spotlight and whatever pocket change can be derived by a felon on federal supervised release, Bernard Kerik, pasted the late Elie Wiesel's photo all over his social media turning the passing into the most pathetic name-dropping attempt by posting Wiesel was a "friend". This came as a shock to those of us who know Felon Kerik beyond his frequent fibs.

Sources Bernard Kerik Twitter/Instagram "Felon Fact Check: Bernard Kerik on Elie Wiesel: Friend or Fib? www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
Felon on supervised release went to prison for lying. He apparently continues to have a problem with the truth. He has been caught lying by omission, exaggeration, his spontaneous utterance of those "little white lies", using his small children as proof and shields from his lies and those big fat desperate bold tall tales which labeled him a "libel-proof felon" by many of Bernie Kerik's ex-friends in many a pending lawsuit.

We went searching for some evidence of this "friendship" in a Felon Fact Check. Here's what we found:

  • There is no mention of Elie Wiesel in Bernard Kerik's "New York Times Bestseller", "The Lost Son: Life in Pursuit of Justice". Certainly a good friend would be mentioned as an inspiration in such a relevant memoir of its time post-9/11?
  • In Felon Kerik's "From Jailer to Jailed" publication in 2015, there is a passing mention of Inmate #84888-054 Bernard Kerik reading Elie Wiesel's book in Cumberland Prison but no mention Mr. Wiesel is his "friend". Elie Wiesel is not worthy of a listing in the index of the book either. 
Source: Google "From Jailer to Jailed" excerpt "Felon Fact Check: Bernard Kerik on Elie Wiesel: Friend or Fib?" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
  • Fibber Felon Bernard Kerik again mentions Mr. Wiesel as an author of "Night" as one of the books Inmate Kerik is reading in Cumberland FPC prison. Felon Kerik sent this blog to old friend John Picciano to post for him while incarcerated on Christmas, December 25, 2011. Again, no mention, Wiesel is a "friend". 
  • Source Bernard Kerik Blogspot "Felon Fact Check: Bernard Kerik on Elie Wiesel: Friend or Fib? www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
    Source Bernard Kerik Blogspot "Felon Fact Check: Bernard Kerik on Elie Wiesel: Friend or Fib? www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

  • We found plenty of association between the late Elie Wiesel and Kerik's ex-boss and ex-friend, Rudy Giuliani. Can one be a "friend" by association? We think not. 
  • There are no published pictures in any public archive that show Felon Bernard Kerik near or in the same photograph of Elie Wiesel. There are no published accounts of Elie Wiesel ever being in Bernard Kerik's company. Felon Kerik did not publish any photo of him and Elie Wiesel in Kerik's social media humblebrag of Wiesel's passing. 

  • We contacted several persons who may be able to verify Felon Bernard Kerik's claim he was a "friend" of Elie Wiesel. Dara D'Addio, the alleged co-author of Kerik's newest book, "From Jailed to Jailed" replied to us. She writes, "First, I wish to send my condolences to Mr. Wiesel's family. I did not know Mr. Wiesel but admired him for his writings and valuable literary contributions to peace and justice. I have gifted his books to several of those incarcerated to offer perspective and comfort in troubled times. I had several conversations with then Inmate Kerik regarding "Night" and Elie Wiesel. Inmate Kerik never mentioned Elie Wiesel as a "friend". I remember teasing Inmate Kerik that in the blog, he misspells Mr. Wiesel's first name as "Eli" reminding Kerik "Elie" is a Hebrew name meaning "height". I remember joking with Inmate Kerik that all he had to do was copy it off his book! Although Felon Kerik is not compelled to disclose all his friendships, I, too, was shocked in his calling the late Mr. Wiesel a "friend". Why would one save such a disclosure for the passing of your "friend"? Based upon my experience in a three-year intimate relationship with Kerik, it is suspect , sad and shocking. Elie Wiesel once said " The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference." So in respect to Mr. Wiesel, at this time, I'll just leave it at that."
We may be wrong but it would appear by our research Felon Bernard Kerik has, once again, been caught in a Brian Williams-like fib of epic proportions! After the many lies in Bernard Kerik's life and the three legal battles with his ex-friends, we might suggest Felon Bernard Kerik re-examine his definition of "friend". To allegedly use the passing of such a great man, Elie Wiesel, as part of a desperate seemingly histrionic personality disorder attention grab is sad and pathetic.

"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented..." - Elie Wiesel

Felon Bernard Kerik has resurrected TheKerikGroup.com and "Risk Management" has a whole new meaning

Felon on supervised release, Bernard Kerik, has been telling everyone in media and the man in the moon he is "consulting"to earn a living since release from federal prison. That may sound familiar to some. Felon Kerik was formerly the CEO of "The Kerik Group" after Rudy Giuliani fired him and before Kerik went to prison.

So what does Bernie call his new business as filed in the State of New Jersey on 10/10/13? ...Wait for it..wait for it..."The Kerik Group". The USA, while investigating Bernard Kerik's eight felony convictions, suspected Bernie funneled money through his company. Those charges never manifested in Bernie's conviction, however the is well documented in USA V. Bernard Kerik (New York Southern District Court, Case No. 7:07-cr-01027-SCR) and, as such, the stigma exists.

The purpose of "The Kerik Group" on the State Of New Jersey business certificate is "Risk management Consulting". We are not sure how he got away with filing for a business he can't possibly own, run or transact business but that's Bernie and that's Jersey, folks!" Where is Governor Chris Christie?

"From Jailer to Jailed" alleged co-author, Dara DAddio, told us, "This brought me back to a conversation Bernie and I had about what the name of his company should he, one day, have an opportunity to own a company again. The former name of the previous company, shut down while Bernie was imprisoned, was "The Kerik Group". As a convicted felon, Bernard Kerik may not sign certain contracts, work for the government, be granted certain licenses, apply for certain business start up loans, etc. Bernie consulted me for my suggestions on a new name for his company. I explained to him using "The Kerik Group" would remind us all of darker days as the former company was subject of Bernie's federal investigation."

Felon Bernard Kerik, as a felon on probation (supervised release), is also not allowed to own a gun, license a weapon or even hold a deadly weapon. These restrictions would seemingly prevent him from working as the CEO of a "risk management company". However, the State of New Jersey, Department of the Treasury Filing Certificate shows his "business purpose" as "risk management company".

This summation is based upon public information such as the below-captioned documents which are the true and exact scans of the Status of New Jersey Department of Treasury business certificate filings for the old and new "The Kerik Group LLC".

Source: State of New Jersey Felon Bernard Kerik is CEO of a company TheKerikGroup,com he probably shouldn't be owning www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

Source: State of New Jersey Felon Bernard Kerik is CEO of a company TheKerikGroup,com he probably shouldn't be owning www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

Source: State of New Jersey Felon Bernard Kerik is CEO of a company TheKerikGroup,com he probably shouldn't be owning www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

Source: State of New Jersey Felon Bernard Kerik is CEO of a company TheKerikGroup,com he probably shouldn't be owning www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
What do they call a company that reportedly has no assets, no clients, no contracts and where the CEO is restricted by Federal convictions to transact much of the daily business? That would be the definition of a "shell company". This an acceptable status for most "start-ups" but "The Kerik Group" is no start-up. In fact, an older version of  The Kerik Group existed back during the days of Bernie's legal woes in 2008 for the purpose of "consulting services (all types)". This company was disbanded by a State of New Jersey Certificate of Cancellation dated 02/01/10 with reasons "business discontinued due to factors beyond its control" aka Bernie was being sentenced to go to prison.

It appears Bernie utilizes his new "The Kerik Group", employee of one, to save face, communicate with all those "associates" and funnel his speaking, publishing and writing fees that are apparently not recognized by Bernie as "work" or "income". Since Bernie is still on probation paying to reduce his HUGE criminal fine, income is an important factor. The nominal amount Bernie pays to the government every month is based upon his ability to pay. It would behoove the government to take a second look at "The Kerik Group" financial statements.

By the way, on the bottom of Kerik's TheKerikGroup.com website featurning an unauthorized picture of former President Bush 42 is an "All Rights Reserved" Copyright Protection for TheKerikGroup.com. There is NOT SUCH copyright filed with the US Copyright database. More pretend from felon Bernard Kerik?

Source: The Kerik Group TheKerikGroup.com Felon Bernard Kerik has resurrected TheKerikGroup.com and "Risk Management" has a whole new meaning www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
We should expect this new "The Kerik Group" is a legitimate venture. However, with the old name and the same "old Bernie Kerik" returning from prison in self-proclaimed financial distress, it could return to be the same old......We wonder the amount of IRS federal tax felon Bernard Kerik paid in "doing business" the last three years?

Felon on Probation Bernard Kerik calls out President Obama for "throwing race card" on Dallas Police shootings

Imagine the audacity of an eight-time convicted felon currently serving federal supervised release, calling out President Obama for "throwing the race card" in the aftermath of the Dallas Police shootings. Felon Bernard Kerik did just that today in an appearance on WABC 770am radio on the Bernie and Sid Show. Here's the tweet:
Source Twitter "Felon on Probation Bernard Kerik calls out President Obama for "throwing race card" on Dallas Police shootings" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
We need unity and healing for our country now. By such speech, felon Bernard Kerik remains an angry, corrupt cop, stuck in his political agenda who knows only hate. Such blatant and ignorant disrespect! We guess this means no pardon for Bernie Kerik from the Obama Administration!

DoingTimeWithBernie.com sends it prayers and sympathies to Chief David Brown, Dallas Police, DART and Dallas community in their great loss. We do what we always do when there's nothing left to do: We Stand....We Pray...

Ten things you need to know about Bernard Kerik right now

Ten things you need to know about Bernard Kerik right now:

  1. Bernard Kerik remains a an eight-time libel-proof convicted felon who owes over $500,000 in arrears criminal restitution and resulting IRS tax lien to the USA as result of USA v Bernard Kerik criminal case. 
    Source Bergen County NJ Records "Ten things you need to know about Bernard Kerik right now" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

    Source Bergen County NJ Records "Ten things you need to know about Bernard Kerik right now" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

    Source Bergen County NJ Records "Ten things you need to know about Bernard Kerik right now" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
  2. Felon Bernie Kerik has been rumored to avoid paying his Federal criminal restitution and/or having it attached by the government by funneling any income from "consulting" (speeches, media appearances, app development with Shervin Pishevar, writing, etc) into two 501(c)(3)'s he's established: ACCJR.org and Law Enforcement Leaders to Reduce Crime and Incarceration. This way, felon Bernie Kerik can travel, dine, stay in fancy hotels and party all in the name of his "dark money" non-profit and law protects his "donors". None of that money may be attached to pay his DEBT TO THE COUNTRY HE CLAIMS TO LOVE! The best way felon Bernie Kerik can show his love is country is to PAY HIS FULL DEBT TO SOCIETY.
  3. Felon Bernard Kerik is entangled in several legal cases which may tell the story of the the continuing saga of Bernie's dark side. All cases require felon Bernie Kerik's participation and most are ex-friends who they allege Bernard Kerik has defamed, used and/or abused them. Bernard Kerik may be drawn into the Fox News Gretchen Carlson v Roger Ailes sexual harassment suit due to a previous settlement involving Bernie Kerik's past mistress, publisher, Judith Regan: 
    "Ten things you need to know about Bernard Kerik right now" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
    "Ten things you need to know about Bernard Kerik right now" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
  4. Felon Bernard Kerik has many friends in low places and some in high places with questionable character. Felon Kerik uses his old police PBA contacts in law enforcement and other "associates" to defame, intimidate and harass others.
  5. Felon Kerik has twice been refused early release from his Federal Supervised Release/Probation. Read more "For the Second Time and Rather Quickly Felon Bernard Kerik Denied Early Termination of Probation". Some believe it may be Kerik's arrears criminal restitution and his frequent unsuccessful attempts to gain revenge on his ex-friends all of which has been clearly communicated to the court. 
  6. Felon Bernie Kerik's "business", TheKerikGroup.com may be a shell company to keep Kerik masquerading as a good guy. Read more "Felon Bernard Kerik has resurrected TheKerikGroup.com and "Risk Management" has a whole new meaning". 
  7. Felon Bernard Kerik whitewashed his name to rehab his continuing dirty deeds and enhance his "reentry image". Read more "Bernard Kerik Desperately Attempts to Hide His Criminal Past". 
  8. Felon Bernard Kerik is constantly given a "pass" by his buddies in the media (who want to make money of his "notoriety"). Felon Kerik also gets a big "pass" from the thin blue line inside the Federal Department of Probation and the NYPD, despite numerous criminal complaints filed. 
  9. Felon Bernard Kerik's family who staged 05/28/2013 phony "welcome home" on the step of his estate are now shattered due to his lies to them. Kerik always boasted to many while imprisoned of his desire to "make up for all he missed in prison". Kerik is rumored to be in a contentious divorce with his wife, Hala Kerik, having been separated for more than a year.
  10. In as much as Felon Kerik whines he cut ties with Rudy Giuliani, the truth is Rudy Giuliani will be polite in public to Kerik but the shade is big! Rudy Giuliani would not even write a letter of support for Kerik during court sentencing in USA v Bernard Kerik. Have you ever seen Rudy Giuliani in the same photo with Felon Kerik since 2013? Nope.
America is rejecting Felon Bernard Kerik in a big way. Felon Kerik continues to try to present himself as a law-abiding, rehab'd ex-con but the public sees through it every time. The real truth may be Felon Kerik has jumped the shark and has no one to blame but himself.

Is Felon Bernard Kerik using his "associates" to threaten and harass his co-author into dismissing civil suit?

There have been some sudden fierce upsurge in harassment and threats by random strangers against Plaintiff in the D'Addio v Bernard Kerik copyright infringement civil suit. These serial twitter abusers are strangers to Plaintiff Co-Author, Dara D'Addio, but share one thing in common: They are all "associates" of defendant Felon Bernard Kerik! These crimes have been reported but, oddly enough, Bernie's former PBA buddies and boys in blue appear slow to investigate.
Source: Twitter NYPD Detective Martin T Green @TheMotivatedGuy "Is Felon Bernard Kerik using third parties to harass his co-author into silence?" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

Source Twitter @MyDelusi "Is Felon Bernard Kerik using third parties to harass his co-author into silence?" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

Source Twitter @MyDelusi "Is Felon Bernard Kerik using third parties to harass his co-author into silence?" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

Source Twitter @MyDelusi "Is Felon Bernard Kerik using third parties to harass his co-author into silence?" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
The NYPD deleted the threatening and harassing tweets made by Detective Martin T. Green @TheMotivatedGuy @NYPD_CTTF and are currently investigating any link to Felon Kerik. The NYPD IAB has also referred these complaints to the NYPD Citizen's Complaint Review Board

It also appears some twitter bullies have banded together to have Ms. DAddio's personal twitter accounts banned from use after she posted the link to one of our blog posts about Felon Kerik. 
Source Twitter "Is Felon Bernard Kerik using third parties to harass his co-author into silence?" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

Source Twitter "Is Felon Bernard Kerik using third parties to harass his co-author into silence?" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

This blog has previously reported these crimes by other "associates" of Bernard Kerik. Now those crime reports are being reviewed by authorities as a pattern to new charges including federal Witness Tampering. 

Ms. D'Addio refused to comment on the pending investigation and civil litigation.  

It appears someone is trying to harass, threaten and silence Ms. D'Addio from telling her truth about Felon Bernard Kerik. MMMmmm? We wonder who that would be? If the allegations are proven, that's a probation violation and a crime which could jeopardize Felon Bernard Kerik's alleged "supervised release". 

"At the end of the day" Felon Bernard Kerik wants to be a motivational speaker and "stuff"

"At the end of the day" Felon Bernard Kerik wants to be a motivational speaker and "stuff". Felon Kerik changed his twitter profile last week in yet another attempt at a "comeback bigger than Martha Stewart".
Source Facebook Bernard Kerik "At the end of the day" Felon Bernard Kerik wants to be a motivational speaker and "stuff" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
We all know Felon Bernard Kerik loves when tragedy or terrorism happens in that his psychopathic-like self can mug the spotlight. During the recent Dallas Police shootings, some second-tier media like Alan Colmes radio chose to feature this corrupt cop eight-time convicted felon masquerading as a law enforcement expert.
Facebook Bernard Kerik "At the end of the day" Felon Bernard Kerik wants to be a motivational speaker and "stuff" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com 
If you want to make your eardrums bleed or punish yourself, listen to Felon Bernard Kerik in this except entitled, "Kerik: President Obama Doesn’t Show Support For Law Enforcement". In this seventeen minutes of auditory punishment, Felon Kerik's inability to properly conjugate a verb, use of the phrase "..and stuff" is just dumb. We've also dubbed Felon Kerik's use of "...at the end of the day..." the latest media drinking game! Ask yourself if you would choose to PAY FOR then listen to this stammering and nonsense for an entire "motivational" speech! A little know fact about Felon Bernard Kerik is he is as dumb as a box of rocks and is best know for being "made" by the poor choice of Mayor Rudy Giuliani!

Hey Good Morning America books former NYPD Commissioner Kelly, CNN grabs Commissioner Bratton. Jersey Joe Piscopo got the sloppy seconds booking Felon Bernard Kerik. Need we say more? We ask the media, "Why?"

CNBC "Expert" Felon and High School Dropout Bernard Kerik thinks Nice is Paris!

CNBC self-promoting "ex-spurt" Felon Bernard Kerik tweeted his appearance on the network to discuss the recent Nice truck mowing tragedy except Kerik apparently doesn't know Nice is NOT part of "Paris":
Source Twitter "CNBC "Expert" Felon and High School Dropout Bernard Kerik thinks Nice is Paris!" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

Will someone at CNBC.com please explain to dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks Felon on Probation Bernard Kerik that "Nice" is NOT "Paris"!

Idiot Kerik, masquerading as a trusted terrorism"ex-spurt"then goes on to explain sharia law is practiced by radical islam yet King of Jordan Abdullah II, who claims to be a moderate Muslim, obeys "sharia law" ?! Wait...What?

Felon Kerik was employed in the Middle East. Is Felon on federal supervised release, Bernard Kerik, still a friend of the United States?
Twitter Bernard Kerik "CNBC "Expert" Felon and High School Dropout Bernard Kerik thinks Nice is Paris!" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

Why, CNBC, why?

A Study in True Character, Respect and Honesty: Where's Felon Bernard Kerik?

This week great, respected and trusted New York City crime and corruption leaders came together for a Reuters Live event on criminal justice, terrorism and other important matters in keeping peace: US Attorney Preet Bharara, Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly and current NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton.

Source Instagram Twitter "Where's Kerik?" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
So, where was that NYPD Commissioner turned felon, criminal justice reformer and self-proclaimed "International Counter-Terrorism Expert", Bernard Kerik? Kerik chose to take another paid vacation by renowned charity, Central Texas Wolfpack Public Safety Football, to speak at their little barbeque in Austin. Of course, that would have been a bit awkward.... So how much did they pay you, Bernie Kerik? And how much will be going to your CRIMINAL RESTITUTION that is reportedly still UNPAID? Oh that's right...Does the "non-profit" money continue to allegedly funnel through your "non-profit" dark money ACCJR.org or that alleged shell company www.TheKerikGroup.com?

Yes, Felon Bernard Kerik's assertion that having a building fall on you, saving only yourself, then making millions off the tragedy, makes one an "International Counter-Terrorism Expert" is laughable!

It all depends on the choices one makes. It takes discipline and sacrifice to do the right thing all the time. We hoped you and your daughter enjoyed the reported all-expense paid vacation, Bernie. Have you paid your "full debt to society" in the arrears $1/2 million criminal restitution yet? We didn't think so...Bernie, maybe less shopping and more paying down your full DEBT TO SOCIETY!....A true felon....

Donald Trump, GOP Convention, Rudy Giuliani on Felon Bernard Kerik: The Shade is Real

Remember when Felon Bernard Kerik was a big deal at the 2004 Republican National Convention stumping for George W. Bush?
"Donald Trump, GOP Convention, Rudy Giuliani on Felon Bernard Kerik: The Shade is Real" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
History showed Felon Bernard Kerik's true colors and they were anything but red, white and blue. It's more like that orange is the new black thang...

Rudy Giuliani will be speaking at tonight's 2016 RNC convention in support of Donald Trump but Felon Kerik will be wherever true felons on federal supervised release go in Jersey...NOT CLEVELAND RNC CONVENTION!

Felon Kerik has unsuccessfully attempted to revitalize his image over the last three years. Blocking that image rehabilitation may be that lingering past-due half-million dollar federal criminal restitution and resulting IRS tax lien. Perhaps it may be all the trashing of Rudy Giuliani that Felon Bernard Kerik did on his recent media appearances. Felon Kerik told the world Giuliani never visits his Godchildren, Kerik's kids, Celine Kerik and Angelina Kerik. Or it may be Felon Bernard Kerik's recent racist utterance appearing on Don Lemon's 07/17/2016 CNN show, when referring to black people, "Your people do that!"
Source Twitter @JennBelle "Felon Bernard Kerik's recent racist utterance "Your people do that" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
Rudy Giuliani hasn't spoken to Felon Bernard Kerik in years. Giuliani never even sent a support letter to sitting Federal Judge Robinson when Kerik was on his way to Cumberland Federal Prison Camp! Rudy trusted Felon Kerik and Felon Kerik betrayed his trust in exchange for fucks and bucks. This is a damaging, life-long pattern for Felon Bernard Kerik. Just Ask Felon Kerik's many ex-mistresses like Judith Regan, several ex-wives like Hala Kerik, Joe Tacopina or Felon Kerik's co-author of their last book, Dara D'Addio.

And under the category, Felon Kerik hasn't changed, Felon Kerik turned alleged mistress and former subordinate Retired New York City Department of CorrectionsCaptain Maritza Rosado proclaimed on her facebook account that Felon Kerik "USED ME.. AND THOUGHT HE HAD HIM SELF A SLAVE..... FUCK YOU AND FUCK TRUMP.." 
Source Facebook Maritza Rosado claims Bernard Kerik "used her like a slave""Donald Trump, GOP Convention, Rudy Giuliani on Felon Bernard Kerik: The Shade is Real" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

Alleged Horndogs Roger Ailes and Felon Bernard Kerik may be caught up in Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment suit

Alleged "horndogs", Roger Ailes and Felon Bernard Kerik, may be caught up in Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment lawsuit. We should all recall several years ago, where it was alleged "Fox News boss Roger Ailes has been unmasked as the executive who reportedly tried to keep publisherJudith Regan from dishing dirt to the feds about her ex-lover Bernard Kerik." (Uhmmm, history shows this strategy did not work out well for the horndogs...) This "situation" was reportedly "settled" paying millions to Judith Regan to shut up and go away. We suppose Gretchen Carlson isn't going away so easily. According to Politico.comarticle published earlier this month, "Judith Regan could testify in suit against Fox News's Roger Ailes".

Roger Ailes appears to have been someone fellow horndog and Inmate #84888-054 Bernard Kerik relied upon even from behind bars. Here's a letter from Bernard Kerik to his co-author in "From Jailer to Jailed", Dara D'Addio, where Inmate Kerik is asking D'Addio to contact Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch for assistance.
"Alleged Horndogs Roger Ailes and Felon Bernard Kerik  may be caught up in Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment suit" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

"Alleged Horndogs Roger Ailes and Felon Bernard Kerik  may be caught up in Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment suit" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
It is reported Roger Ailes should be leaving Fox News one way or another by August 1, 2016. Roger Ailes is widely quoted as saying "The truth is whatever people will believe". You've shown us who you are, Roger, and we believe you. Don't let the door hitcha on the way out and take your felon freak horndog, Bernie Kerik, with you....

"Alleged Horndogs Roger Ailes and Felon Bernard Kerik  may be caught up in Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment suit" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

Felon Bernard Kerik can't vote owing arrears criminal restitution but crashes the RNC Convention to party...

Felon Bernard Kerik can't vote but crashes the RNC Convention....cuz that's what a sociopath does...

Eight-time convicted felon on probation who owes over one-half million dollars in criminal restitution to the USA and prohibited from voting crashes the RNC Convention because he can! Because why get a real job and pay your FULL DEBT TO SOCIETY when the US Dept of Probation allows you to party on?!

"Felon Bernard Kerik can't vote and owes arrears criminal restitution but crashes the RNC Convention to party" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

A photo posted by Bernard B. Kerik (@bernardkerik) on
Lock up your daughters, sons, husbands and wives, Cleveland, Felon on Probation Bernard Kerik is loose in Cleveland to "make up for all he missed in prison"...

Yup, this is criminal justice reform in America! Make America Great Again?

Felon Bernard Kerik Attorney Timothy Parlatore to Rape victim: You're too fat to be raped!

Felon Bernard Kerik's pro bono attorney, Timothy Parlatore of the virtual law firm of FisherBroyles, lost another big case by berating a rape victim in the Dan Nelson rape trial.

During the trial, that Pig Parlatore insinuating the rape victim weighed too much to possibly have been raped on a folding bed attorney Dan Nelson raped her upon. Pig Parlatore insisted the folding bed had a certain weight limit that would have broken if the victim and his "douche" client, Dan Nelson we bouncing on it.

Jurors in the trial were quoted as referring to Dan Nelson as a "douche". However, Timothy Payne Parlatore loses another big case as his client, "Douche" Dan Nelson got four years in prison.

This proves Pig Parlatore is just the right attorney to defend Felon Bernard Kerik's lies. We can't wait for those bozos going up against Joe Tacopina in the big defamation trial this fall! That loss may send Felon Bernie Kerik back to prison where he belongs!
Source Facebook "Felon Bernard Kerik Attorney Timothy Parlatore to Rape victim: You're too fat to be raped!" Timothy Parlatore, Andrea Bereck Parlatore, Felon on probation Bernard Kerik www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
That pig Parlatore who verbally assaulted a rape victim, shown with his wife, Andrea Bereck Parlatore aka Carla Herschel Lilly in a recent facebook photo. Using Pig Parlatore's theory, we are confident Timmy doesn't have to worry about being raped anytime soon (unless one day he ends up in prison next to most of his clients)!

Another of Felon Bernard Kerik's friends, Armstrong Williams, being sued for sexual harassment

Felon on Probation, Bernard Kerik, was cozying up to on of his "gays", Armstrong Williams, at the RNC. Felon Bernie Kerik posted the sweet selfie on his Instagram the night the felon crashed the RNC Convention.

Sources Bernard Kerik Instagram and Twitter "One of Felon Bernard Kerik's Gays, Armstrong Williams, being sued for sexual harassment" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

A photo posted by Bernard B. Kerik (@bernardkerik) on

According to a recent article in the New York Times, Armstrong Williams, is being sued by one of his former employees for sexual harassment.

We reported last week of Felon Bernie Kerik's possible testimony in the upcoming sexual harassment case of Fox News' Gretchen Carlson v Roger Ailes, the later being an old friend of Felon Kerik.  It seem a pattern in Felon Bernie Kerik's life to be surrounded by Horndogs and abusers. True Felon.

Now stop those rumors. Felon Bernie Kerik insists Armstrong Williams is simply a "friend". Although Armstrong Williams was briefly an consultant of Dr. Ben Carson who believe many straight men go into prison and come out gay. Maybe Al Manzo was the chaperone? Love is Love is Love is Love.....

Source Bernard Kerik Facebook "One of Felon Bernard Kerik's Gays, Armstrong Williams, being sued for sexual harassment" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

Donald Trump's Reality Show America: Where eight-time convicted felons on probation like Bernard Kerik roam RNC Convention Hall

Donald Trump's Reality Show America: Where eight-time convicted felons on probation like Bernard Kerik roam RNC Convention Hall...
Source Instagram Felon on Probation Bernard Kerik roams the RNC Convention Hall without restriction "Donald Trump's Reality Show America: Where eight-time convicted felons on probation like Bernard Kerik roam RNC Convention Hall" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

A photo posted by Bernard B. Kerik (@bernardkerik) on
Felon on US Federal Supervised Release, Bernard Kerik, can't vote and owes over one-half million dollars in arrears criminal restitution to the United States, but he roams free around the RNC Convention Hall...It's just the kind of America we will have with Donald Trump. Pay to Play. Everybody Plays. Everybody Wins....except the United States...Frankly we're surprise Felon Kerik is dragging along Celine Kerik or Angelina Kerik and calling it custody #DaddyTime...

Felon Bernard Kerik Rumored Torrid Love Affair with NYC DOC Retired Captain Maritza Rosado is apparently over!

Felon Bernard Kerik Rumored Torrid Love Affair NYC DOC Retired Captain Maritza Rosado is apparently over! If you believe Facebook posts, then Retired NYC DOC Captain and former subordinate, Maritza Rosado, is done done done with her rumored lover, Former NYPD Commissioner turned felon, Bernard Kerik!

If you believe, Facebook posts (and who doesn't?) check these out! No wonder Hala Kerik is kicking felon deadbeat Dad and Hubby Bernard Kerik to the curb!

Source: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/maritza.rosado.9883/posts/164714323939000 )  "Felon Bernard Kerik Rumored Torrid Love Affair NYC DOC Retired Captain Maritza Rosado is apparently over!" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com 
Source: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/maritza.rosado.9883/posts/164711317272634)  "Felon Bernard Kerik Rumored Torrid Love Affair NYC DOC Retired Captain Maritza Rosado is apparently over!" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
Source: Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/maritza.rosado.9883/posts/164711183939314)  "Felon Bernard Kerik Rumored Torrid Love Affair NYC DOC Retired Captain Maritza Rosado is apparently over!" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
Source: Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/maritza.rosado.9883/posts/164710643939368)  "Felon Bernard Kerik Rumored Torrid Love Affair NYC DOC Retired Captain Maritza Rosado is apparently over!" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
Source: Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/maritza.rosado.9883/posts/164695843940848)  "Felon Bernard Kerik Rumored Torrid Love Affair NYC DOC Retired Captain Maritza Rosado is apparently over!" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com
Well, it appears that karma truck is in gear... "Let's Roll"....

Stamford CT Police Sgt Deiso has time on duty for breakfast with Felon On Probation and Corrupt Cop Bernard Kerik

Apparently there is nothing for the police to do in Stamford Connecticut than have a leisurely Sunday Morning breakfast with felons on probation and other corrupt cops. Mayor David Martin should be proud his Sergeant Douglas Deiso apparently spends his patrol time and precious taxpayer dollars having breakfast with an eight-time convicted felon and taking selfies at the Elm Street Diner. Sgt. Deiso is an old NYC DOC cronie and subordinate of Felon Kerik and couldn't possibly meet the disgraced Felon Kerik on his own, off-duty time. Felon Kerik, who owes the U.S. over $500,000.00 in arrears criminal restitution and IRS tax lien appears to have time to wander the State of Connecticut in the old stomping grounds of Joe Tacopina. That's even more interesting. Sgt Douglas Deiso must be one of those cops with a weak moral compass who would not be embarrassed to be seen with a felon on probation who disgraced the badge. Yup "Stanford's Finest"....

Felon Kerik memorialized his laziness and contempt for the United States government by posting the selfie on his Instagram page. We bet the Elm Street Diner comp'd the meals for all the free advertisement. However, dumbass dropout Felon Bernard Kerik misspells the Connecticut town "Stanford" instead of "Stamford". Those "volunteer editor mentally ill stalker pals" come in handy, don't they, Bern?

Source Instagram "Stamford CT Police Sgt Deiso has time on duty for breakfast with Felon On Probation and Corrupt Cop Bernard Kerik" www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com

A photo posted by Bernard B. Kerik (@bernardkerik) on
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